Relationship Support
We give help to parents who are having a tough time with their relationship. This might mean they are arguing or fighting, or that things aren’t going well. We help parents to talk and feel listened to, as well as to improve their relationships with each other – whether or not they’re still together or have split up. That doesn’t always mean helping separated couples get back together – it can mean helping them parent better and with less conflict while living apart.
We can work with couples or separated people together, separately or even in groups with other people who are in similar situations. These services are different from mediation which focuses on a ‘legal dispute’ – find out about this here.
Together, through getting to know you, your family and what's been happening lately, we will discuss what is the best support we could offer.

Parenting When Separated
This programme supports separated parents to re-focus on the needs of children, helping them to manage the stress of separation and to improve communication between co-parents.
To learn more about this programme, email us as admin@changingfuturesne.co.uk.
Family Mediation
Family mediation is a way to help ex-partners talk through disagreements and find solutions that work for everyone. A trained, neutral mediator helps guide the conversation so everyone has a chance to share their thoughts and feelings. It’s often used to sort out issues like parenting plans, money, or other family matters. Mediation is private, less stressful, and usually faster and cheaper than going to court. It’s about working together to find the best way forward. You can find out more here

Emma and Jack
Emma and Jack had been together for 12 years and shared two children, Mia (10) and Ethan (7). When their relationship ended, the stress of separating brought out constant arguments about parenting schedules, finances, and even small day-to-day decisions. The tension was affecting their children, who felt caught in the middle.
Frustrated and unsure how to move forward, Emma and Jack decided to try family mediation. At the first session, the mediator created a calm, neutral space where both parents could talk without interruptions. Emma shared her concerns about stability for the kids, while Jack expressed frustration about feeling left out of important decisions. For the first time, they started to understand each other’s perspectives.
Throughout joint sessions, Emma and Jack worked with the mediator to agree on a parenting plan that gave both parents quality time with Mia and Ethan. They also reached compromises on holidays, child support, and communication methods. Importantly, they learned strategies to manage disagreements without escalating into arguments.
Now, months later, Emma and Jack co-parent more effectively. Their children feel more secure and enjoy spending time with both parents. Mediation helped Emma and Jack overcome their conflicts, focus on their shared goal of raising happy, healthy kids, and build a more cooperative relationship.

Do you feel like you are arguing all the time? Or struggle to talk about how you feel?
If you need help with relationship issues, please get in touch.
Our relationship support is not aimed at addressing domestic abuse. If you are in an abusive relationship or feel unsafe in any way in your relationship you will need to contact your local domestic abuse service. If you are already being supported by a member of Changing Futures North East speak with them about how to best access this support.
Women can call the 24-7 National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247.
Men’s Advice Line (Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm) 0808 801 0327.
Harbour - North East Domestic Abuse Service-0300202525.